Residential Solutions

we provide the perfect solution for any size home, and any budget, whether you’re building a new home or want to upgrade your existing one.



Decorative Lighting 

While good lighting can enhance your mood, a bad one dampers it too! Let our lighting planners create a magical impact by making our lighting efficient as well as aesthetic








Smart Home

Smart home technology allows you to enjoy complete control of your house from your phone, wherever you are. Keep an eye on your house from your office, or turn on the lights while you are on vacation!










Audio Integration

A music player is an essential element to every home, but what if you want to play music in every room, or stream the same song throughout the entire house at the same time? A whole house music system is the best way to streamline your music listening experience








Water treatment

Whole home solutions for your family’s health, comfort, protection and enjoyment. From better tasting water, softer skin and hair, cleaner laundry to automated energy-efficient systems for sparkling pool water, we’ve got you covered.